Sunday, July 27, 2008

Every moment is the moment

I always try to post something funny or interesting in my blog, hoping to cheer up my friends. But forgive me that i could not this round. I had been feeling shocked, down and upset over these few days.

Suspect liver cancer, most likely left 4 months life if without any treatments..... and is my mum. Blank.. speechless... What else could i say? My mum and I have very poor relationship and it is a wound that will never recover. Knowing this news from my brother, i got a shock and started to wonder.. should i go back to visit her or not? The person I once loved the most in the world and now become the person I hate.. both feeling are so much strong. What should i do?

Could not get sleep well, hard to concentrate on work, keep on wondering & asking myself. 4 months just keep spinning in my mind. Such a short period, will i fulfill her wishes in time? and can i afford? She will have another scan next week and know the result early of Aug. Not sure if transplant is suitable for her as how bad the situation is now and she has diabetes as well.

Suddenly i feel 4 months is such a short time. How fragile a life is and how lucky you, me, they.. all of us reading, gossiping, complaining.. at least we are real, experience every moment of life, either good or bad. What will you do if you only left 4 months life? Live without regret cuz every moment is the moment.

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